The retina is a 0.5-mm thick layer in the eye globe that is adhered to the tissue underneath. A tiny but very specialized area of the retina called the macula is responsible for giving us our detailed, central vision.
Surprisingly, a vitrectomy and removal of the vitreous has little effect on the health of the eye. The saline solution or gas bubble is gradually replaced by the eye’s own fluids (the aqueous humor).
Staring at computers, smart phones, video games or other digital devices for long periods of time will not cause any permanent ocular defects but may lead to dry eyes and digital eye strain.
Blue light blocking glasses have recently become very popular which are supposed to filter blue light coming from smart phones, tablets and computer screens in order to prevent harmful effects.
Eye allergies, also called allergic conjunctivitis, are quite common. They occur when the eyes react to something that irritates them (called an allergen).
Babies, children and teenagers have different eye health needs than adults. Some problems, like amblyopia, that can be treated in babies and young children, become irreversible once a child is older.
Many mainstream news outlets recently carried the story of three elderly women in Florida blinded by an unapproved so-called stem cell treatment at a for-profit clinic there.
The eye sits in a protective bony socket called the orbit. Six extraocular muscles in the orbit are attached to the eye. These muscles move the eye up and down and side to side, and rotate the eye.
Color helps us remember objects, influences our purchases and sparks our emotions. But did you know that objects do not possess color? They reflect wavelengths of light that are seen as color by the human brain.
The first pediatric ophthalmologic examination should be performed in the neonatal period by a pediatrician right after delivery even if no complaints are present.
Cataract surgery is currently the most commonly performed surgery in the world, as about 19 million cataract surgeries are performed globally each year.