Barcelona Euretina 2017 Presentation

Barcelona Euretina 2017 Presentation

Outcomes of Vitreoretinal Surgery with Wide-field Landers Keratoprothesis in Various Combined Corneal and Vitreoretinal Problems

Session Details

Session Title: Free Paper Session 28: Vitreoretinal Surgery VII

Session Date/Time: Sunday 10/09/2017 | 12:00-13:30

Paper Time: 12:00

Venue: Room 116

First Author: : Z.Kapran  TURKEY

Co Author(s): :    A. Ozkaya   G. Erdogan   M. Taskapili              

Location: Barcelona Euretina 2017 Congress          

Abstract Details


To investigate the outcomes of combined pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), transient keratoprosthesis (TKP) and penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) surgeries in patients with coexisting corneal and vitreoretinal diseases. 


Beyoglu Eye Hospital. 


Retrospective case series. The patients who underwent PPV combined with TKP and PKP were included. The main outcome measures were the etiology of the corneal and vitreoretinal pathology, and change in visual acuity as functional outcome, and clarity of the graft, retinal attachment, and intraocular pressure (IOP) as anatomical outcomes. 


Twenty eyes were included. The mean follow up time after surgery was 18.0 ± 9.5 months (range 12-39 months). The baseline visual acuity was light perception in 15 eyes and hand motions in 5 eyes. The visual acuity was found to be increased in 15 eyes (75%), decreased in 1 eye (5%), and remained stable in 4 eyes (20%). The mean corneal graft survival time was 11.1 ± 8.5 months. One eye (5%) developed phthisis bulbi at the last visit, and 2 eyes (10%) had an IOP<6 mmHg. 


Combined PPV, TKP and PKP surgery seems to be an effective surgical treatment option in the group of patients who suffer from coexisting corneal and vitreoretinal diseases.

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